Thursday, 30 October 2014

Trendy Tot Thursday

I've been a bit slack on the Trendy Tot Thursday link-ups but here is my outfit of the week!

E.T T-shirt - George @ Asda
Black skinny jeans - George @ Asda
Spiderman trainers - George @ Asda
Denim Jacket - Gap Kids

My mum picked up this little denim jacket from the Gap sale back in the Summer and I couldn't wait for the weather to turn colder so Elliot could wear it. The sizing is very small (this is an aged 4) but at the moment it fits perfectly and I think Elliot looks very cute! My husband thought it looked a bit 80s but he's obviously never owned a denim jacket ;) 

The ET t-shirt was another item where the sizing was very small - this is a 3-4 and it should swamp Elliot but actually he's just about grown out of this one!! 


  1. I think he looks lovely. I love a denim jacket, I think they look fab with most things and little ones look so cute in them :)

    1. I've had a denim jacket in my wardrobe for years (not the same one mind you lol!), they never seem to go out of fashion! x

  2. love the denim jacker!


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