Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Toddler of the Year?! Or monster of the year!

I'm not usually one for entering baby / toddler contests as it seems to just be a popularity competition - the more friends you have on facebook to enter for you, the better you'll do! But on a whim, I decided to enter Elliot into the Baby and Toddler of the Year 2014 which is running in conjunction with Wave 105. It was free to enter and I wasn't obliged to actually buy the photos so I thought, why not!

I signed up online and then a few weeks later went along to my local shopping centre where there was a pop up studio. On hindsight I perhaps should have gone in the morning when Elliot was at his liveliest but it was just after lunch and Elliot was getting tired.....which means he can get a bit mischievous!! And true to form he didn't want to sit still, wouldn't look at the camera much and just looked like he had ants in his pants!! And the photographer kept making strange duck noises to distract him but Elliot just looked at him with a "what the....?" face!! He also wasn't a fan of the red sparkly cowboy hat the man tried to make him wear hehe! (Can't blame him!)

Eventually when the photographer realised he wasn't going to get much more out of Elliot, we were allowed to see the pictures and miraculously there was a good one!! He really managed to capture Elliot's cheeky smily nature and I might be biased, but he does look very cute!

Some of the other photos of Elliot were quite funny, you can just tell he doesn't want to be there!! There was one in particular that really made me laugh, and in fact made everyone stood in the queue behind me laugh too! I had to buy it because it's so funny, and will definitely be one to embarrass Elliot with when he's older!! In the picture, Elliot is holding a teddy bear and I think he's demonstrating to the man what bears sound like when they growl. But well, the photo makes him look like a complete monster and like he's about to bite the bears ear off!!

**Edited to say that Elliot made it through to the semi finals - yay! Thank you to those who voted :) 
If you think he deserves to go all the way into the final, please vote here

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  1. Hahaha, that's such a funny photo! Loving the top one, so adorable :)

    1. thanks, its very funny isn't it! I giggle everytime I look at it! xx


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