Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Lemur Linkup Blogger & Business Match Up Night

On Monday evening I will be at my very first blogging event which is very exciting but a little bit scary!!

The Lemur Linkup Blogger/Business Match Up Night has been organised by the ladies who run Poole's local networking group, Lemur Linkup. It's a chance for local bloggers and business to meet and hopefully form a working relationship.

I think it will be really interesting to meet other bloggers and get the chance to pick their brains - being a newbie to blogging I am keen to hear any tips they may give me! It will also be fun to chat to the businesses there and find out how bloggers can play a role in their marketing.

I've had some lovely business cards printed out so even if I'm not successful in working with any of the businesses, it'll be good to get my blog's name out there and meet some new people :)


  1. I'm going too so they'll be another newbie there!! X

  2. Oh great, look forward to seeing you there! x

  3. It's my first event too so it looks like there will be plenty of us newbies there! x

  4. Lovely to see you and hope you enjoyed it as much as we did


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