Tuesday, 2 December 2014

The Christmas Tag

My friend and fellow blogger Jeni over at Poole Mamma invited me to take part in the Christmas Tag and I thought it might be a nice idea to answer some Christmassy questions! 

1. What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
I love everything about Christmas! I love the build up, the Christmas music, the food, the wrapping of presents, the general atmosphere! It's my favourite time of year and now we have Elliot, it means Christmas has that element of fun again. I love taking him to visit Father Christmas and I love buying him cute Christmas outfits! 

Various Christmas outfits from last year!
2. What is your favourite make-up look for the festive season?
I like to wear a silver sparkly eyeshadow, lots of eyeliner and lots of mascara and usually a bit of glitter if I'm off out on a Christmas night out! 

3. Real of fake tree?
There's only one option with a toddler on the scene - a fake one!! We used to get a real one when I was a child but I just remember the pine needles all over the floor!

Our nosy cat Sookie having a play with the big shiny things!
4. Giving or receiving presents?
I've always loved to give presents and even more so now Elliot is here, we buy him far too much! 

5. Do you open your presents in the morning or the evening?
When I lived at home, even as teenagers me and my sisters would be up at the crack of dawn itching to open our presents! 5am was the earliest our parents would allow us to get up and it was so exciting running downstairs to see "he'd been!". I'm sure some families have very civilised opening of presents but not us ;) Now I'm in my 30s I don't get up quite so early but it's still a tradition to open presents first thing - I'm not sure I could wait until after lunch!! 

6. Handmade or shop bought Christmas cards?
I'm the world's least creative person so shop bought all the way! 

7. Favourite Christmas film?
It has to be Elf, I can watch it over and over again and it never gets boring - I just love the scene where Buddy gets told Santa is coming to the store........."SAANTAAAA!!! I KNOW HIM!!!!!!!!" 
I also like Santa Claus the Movie and have fond memories of sitting at home on Christmas Eve afternoon watching it and being allowed to open the Christmas sweets :) 

8. Favourite Christmas Food?
Three words - PIGS IN BLANKETS!!! I'm not sure why I don't have these at any other time of year but these are my favourite part of the Christmas Dinner! My other favourite part of Christmas Day is the buffet my mum does for us all - you can't beat it!! Everyone is so stuffed but theres always room for some sausage rolls and crisps! 

9. Favourite Christmas gift?
I have been given so many nice things over the years but one that sticks in my mind is getting a new bike as a teenager! Me and my sisters had opened all our presents and weren't expecting anything else.....but Mum told us to go into the back room where three bike shaped objects were waiting under a big cover!!! Woohooo! 

10. What tops your tree?
We have a little wooden star that was given to us when Elliot was born, It's very cute and is light enough not to pull the tree over like our previous star! 

Feel free to answer these questions too, either in my comments or leave me your blog URL

**We haven't put this years Christmas Tree up so please excuse my mix of old Christmas photos!!**
Mami 2 Five


  1. Great idea!http://www.janineslittleworld.com/christmas-tag/

  2. Love these Christmas tag posts!! I've just written mine this morning. I'll put it live soon. I just love Elf too!!

    1. It seems like everyone loves Elf, I keeping seeing it pop up in peoples Christmas Tags! x

  3. I love the Christmas tag posts too - its so great to have a sneaky peek into other peoples Christmasses!!! Thank you so much for linking up to #sundaystars xxx

  4. That star on top of your Christmas tree is gorgeous. I love Elf too and always used to watch Santa Claus: The Movie every Christmad Eve as a child. Dudley Moore was brilliant in that film. Thanks so much for linking such a great Christmassy post to #SundaysStars. Hugs Mrs H xxxx


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