Saturday, 7 February 2015

National Storytelling Week 2015

You may not know it but this week was National Storytelling Week! Having a bit of a bookworm for a son I thought it would be a good opportunity to talk about some of his favourite books. And he has a lot to choose from!

These are just a selection of his current favourites.....I say current because you know how fickle toddlers can be!

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The Gruffalo - Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler
It will come as no surprise to you to see The Gruffalo in amongst these favourites! Our first copy got ruined because we read it so much so I bought Elliot a shiny new copy which celebrates Gruffalo's 15 year anniversary.

If you haven't heard of the Gruffalo (where have you been?!) then it tells the story of a little mouse who goes in search of a nut to eat but comes face to face with a fox, a snake and an owl who want to eat him! He manages to outwit them by making up a story about the fearsome Gruffalo....and well I won't ruin the ending! Elliot love love loves this story and he can practically recite it off by heart now. He loves it when I tell the story using different voices (our Gruffalo sounds a bit piraty but thats my Dorset accent coming through....!) and he joins in with all the animal noises. His fox noise is hilarious!! I'm not surprised this book is so popular because it's such a lovely story and very well written, the author's rhymes are very clever!

Charlie Cook's Favourite Book - Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler
Another classic from the Gruffalo author, this one tells the story of Charlie Cook who is reading his favourite book about a pirate, but the pirate is reading a book about Goldilocks, who is reading a book about a knight.....etc etc. It's basically a book within a book within a book and so on! There's lots to look at and Elliot never gets bored of me reading this to him.

Monkey Puzzle - Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler
This one is a about a little monkey who has lost his mummy and tries to find her with a well meaning butterfly who isn't actually very helpful! I think we've read this a lot too because Elliot joins in when I'm reading....his favourite line is "no no no, that's not my mum!"

Room on the Broom - Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler
Sorry, another one from Julia Donaldson!! This is a funny story about a witch who manages to lose her hat, her bow and her wand. They are found by a dog, bird and frog and they all ask to ride on her broom....which is fine until it snaps in half! As if this wasn't enough drama for her, she also has to avoid being eaten by a greedy dragon with a liking for witch and chips. The illustrations really bring this story to life and Elliot loves joining in with the "buzz off.....thats my witch!" line :)

Dinosaurs Love Underpants - Claire Freedman & Ben Cort
If you ever wondered why dinosaurs became extint then look no further! Elliot was drawn to this book because of the dinosaurs but it's actually a really funny story, complete with bright colourful illustrations. There's a few books in this "pants" series but this is our favourite...and who doesn't want to see pictures of dinosaurs wearing frilly bloomers!

Dinosaur Roar - Paul Stickland & Henrietta Stickland
This is a book about opposites and features lines such as "Dinosaur Roar! Dinosaur Squeak...". There aren't many words but the pictures more than make up for it and it's great fun doing voices to match the dinosaurs!

 The Tickle Book and The Bedtime Book - Ian Whybrow & Axel Scheffler
We spotted these books in Tesco and noticed they were illustrated by the same man who does all the Julia Donaldson books that we love. They are great fun and each page features lots of rhymes, tabs to look under, things to pull out. The story in each book is a bit bonkers but that just adds to the fun!

What books do your children like to read again and again? 

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Mami 2 Five


  1. I have an 18 month old toddler, and he also loves to read "Charlie Cook's favourite book", but it changes often, he went through a stage of only liking to flip through animal books! I'm just happy that he enjoys reading and books so much.

    1. It's a great book isn't it! My son likes animal books too, he has a couple of books suitable for older kids and he loves flicking through looking at all the pictures. I love it that he's a bookworm! x

  2. What a great selection! We love Julia Donaldson / Axel Scheffler too! I'll have to check out some of the other ones you mention too.

  3. We love Julia Donaldson too!! Especially room on the broom, both the book and dvd are a little bit worn out!! He's definitely got his favourites and I'm upset that Charlie Cook doesn't make his list as I love it! Though I do like monkey puzzle...I was about to go through all the Julia ones as they seem to be the ones we read a lot.

    And interestingly now he is older he is once again into the touch and feel "That's not my..." series, not sure if thats because he is "pretending" at reading, or remembers the stories. But he actually tells me what is on each page! And I thought that they would be relegated to the toddlers new baby sibling in April!!

    Laura @ Life with Baby Kicks

  4. We have a lot of those "that's not my..." books but Elliot doesn't seem to fussed about them now, he seems to prefer reading the paperback books. Well I say read, look at the pictures and get mummy to read!!


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