Monday, 30 March 2015

Reasons To Love Spring

Now the clocks have gone forward and we are officially into British Summertime, it made me think of all the reasons why I love Spring!

  • Easter - For us Easter means quality family time, egg hunts, chocolate, hot cross buns and a long weekend off work! 
  • Lighter evenings - I don't know about you but the long dark winter evenings just make me want to get under a duvet and hibernate. I love when the clocks change and the evenings stay lighter and lighter. It makes me more inclined to get outside whether that's going for a walk after dinner or even just sitting out on the decking with a glass of wine!
  • Picnics - It's a well known fact that food tastes better when eaten outside (probably...!) and the longer days and warmer weather just make me want to grab the picnic blanket, pack a cool bag and find a picnic bench with a view! We've managed a few picnics so far this year and it certainly beats eating in the car. 
  • Cute baby animals - What says Spring more than cute new arrivals! Our local farm and favourite place Farmer Palmers  have recently welcomed new piglets, lambs and ducks to name a few and we've enjoyed going to see them, the piggies were SO cute! 
  • Warm weather - probably the best thing about Spring! It means we can ditch the winter coats and boots and bring out the flip flops from hibernation - yay!
  • Blooming flowers - everything is so colourful at this time of year and you know when you see those first daffodils that Spring is here!
  • Washing - I know this is a bit sad but I love being able to hang the washing outside in the Spring when it starts to get warmer! 
What do you love most about this time of year?
Mami 2 Five


  1. Oh wow! On our side of the world were going into autumn and I'm missing all of the above ready! Especially lighter evenings and the ease of hanging out the washing! #SundayStars

  2. I love the longer days too. Through winter the kids are often going to, and coming home from school in the dark. It's so nice that they get to go out in the late afternoon and evenings now. Thanks for linking up with #SundayStars xxx


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