Sunday, 19 April 2015

Panasonic Wish List

There used to be a time (before Elliot!) when we wouldn't think twice about purchasing a new bit of technology. And I'm sure he won't mind me saying but my husband is a bit of a geek and Stuff Magazine was his bible, gadgets have always been his thing! We even own three gadget repair shops here in Poole and get to see lots of different types of tech on a daily basis.

Despite all that, our technology at home is looking a bit dated. Our tv looks like a dinosaur compared with all the new slimmer models and my kitchen could definitely do with modernising! We're in the process of selling our flat and will be moving into somewhere bigger this Summer so a good excuse to do some window shopping on the Panasonic website...

Panasonic Lumix Bridge Cameras
I've been wanting to update my old Panasonic point & shoot camera for a while now and these ones are the next logical step up. Love the super high optical zoom, this is a really good feature if I'm snapping pictures at a concert and don't have seats near the front

Panasonic Juicer MJ-SJ01K
I'm guilty of not eating enough fruit and veg sometimes so having a juicer would definitely improve my intake!

Panasonic Washing Machine NA-168VS4
A washing machine with steam action that helps reduce wrinkles and ironing time gets my vote!! It even lets you refresh your clothes without washing!

Panasonic Coffee Maker NC-DF1
I'm not a coffee drinker but my husband can't function in the morning without one! Love the sleekness of this one, very smart

Panasonic Vacuum Cleaner MC-CL934
We have a rather bulky Dyson vacuum at the moment which is brilliant for sucking up cat fluff but not very portable. We live in a flat right now so it's not a big issue but if we move into a house then I'm going to need something a bit more lightweight for carrying up and down stairs.

Panasonic TX-65CR852B Curved 4K UHD TV
I don't know too much about televisions but judging by the online reviews, this looks likes the bees knees of TVs! It's a massive 65" and has four times as many pixels as standard HD televisions. Imagine the crystal clear clarity on screen - Peppa Pig never looked so good! For more info on 4K TVs, see below

* Disclosure - this is a sponsored post

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