Friday, 17 April 2015

Why Children Are Dangerous!

There are some things that people don't tell you when you're pregnant - what giving birth really feels much sleep you're going to get (not much) much your life will change. But there's something I had no idea about before becoming a mum - that children are dangerous!!! Yep, you heard right. After getting whacked on the cheekbone by Elliot's head tonight (ouch...I might have cried) it made me think of all the other injuries that could happen with a small person around!

 1) Headbutting. Warning, this can begin as soon as your new bundle of joy starts lifting their head. It can occur when you're snuggled in bed having a cuddle with your baby and their head bashes back - your nose will usually bear the brunt of this! Equally, they'll headbutt you straight on - never seems to bother them but O.M.G it hurts like hell! True story, but Elliot accidentally headbutted my husband last year and fractured the root of his front tooth causing his crown to fall out. Ouch!!! (He wouldn't let me put a photo on here...)

2) Standing on Lego.  I'm sure we've all done it but standing on a rogue piece of lego when you're barefooted is one of the most painful things you will ever encounter!! You think you've cleared all the toys away but there's always that one bit that'll come back to bite you...literally

3) Eye poking. I've been poked in the eye by chubby little fingers, books, toot toot cars, breadsticks...the list goes on. The most painful one however was a stegosaurus's tail!

4) Scratching - Baby fingernails are as sharp as kitten claws but trimming them can be a real struggle...I had to resort to doing it whilst Elliot was asleep. And they grow SO FAST!!

5) Balls - Playing catch with a toddler sounds like fun but lets face it, their aim isn't too great. At some point, a ball is going to hit you in the face and it might hurt! This week we were out enjoying the sunshine at our local beach and Elliot was playing fetch with a little dog...well the dog was, Elliot was just throwing! Imagine a dirty chewed up tennis ball that was covered in sand and salty seawater - my poor mum got that ball thrown into her face!!

These are just the tip of the iceberg, I'm sure there's loads that I've not been lucky enough to experience yet! Have you been injured by your child?!

You Baby Me Mummy
Binky Linky


  1. Mum was telling me about Elliot hitting her with the ball - couldn't stop laughing!!!

  2. Oh yes, the head butting is the worst, Poor daddy gets the worst of it. I get more of the scratching and neck strangles! :) xx

    1. Oh god I'd forgotten about the neck strangles!! Elliot likes to sit on my back and pretend I'm a horse and I've been near strangled countless times!! xx

  3. This is so great. HEADBUTTING IS EVIL. Luke has that thing when he has a tantrum and throws himself backwards too - usually into my throat! It's literally the worst feeling ever and I used to have to let go of him and silently weep on the floor for several moments. That's the sure fire way to win the argument with mummy, I guess. :( Poor Daddy though! I got hit with a giant plastic pig once too that hit me so hard it knocked my tooth out! :'( Ray xx #binkylinky

    1. It was a tantrum that caused my injury too - little buggers! xx

  4. Haha, all so true and the head butting gets so much worse when they're older than a year, ouch!! #binkylinky

    1. Bigger heads! But they never seem to feel a thing do they!! xx

  5. Oh my god, this literally happened to my last week, my boy (he's 2) climbed into our bed in the night, and in his sleep headbutted my eyebrow and I got a black eye! I was crying! And this evening he headbutted my nose - OW! I feel your pain, literally! #binkylinky
    Sabrina x

    1. Ouch, poor you!! Hope thats it for the headbutts for a while! xx

  6. The lego one is common with us! I've also had my hair pulled out whilst it's being brushed by one of my girls! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  7. From a male perspective the feet and knees are lethal on little kids, they have no understanding of the pain a badly place knee can be!

  8. They are dangerous aren't they - I've had my back nearly broken on a number of occasions - it seems if you do anything on the floor (such as lying down) they see you as a target for practising the butt drop (I even looked that up to find the right wrestling term!). Great post! Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx


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