Friday, 12 June 2015

Blinged Babies, child free shopping and CBeebies presenters #LittleLoves

Not joined in with #LittleLoves for a little while but here's our round up of the week...


I keep meaning to sit down and read a book but I just never get the time, I'm either doing my Mum duties or blogging! I have read some brilliant blog posts recently though:  


On the recommendation of a friend, I managed to watch Blinging Up Baby on Channel 5 this week - oh my gosh! I'm not sure a toddler needs a Louis Vitton bag!

I'm also loving that America's Next Top Model is back on Sky Living - I think Tyra is a bit nuts and the people who apply to be on it are just as nuts but it's so entertaining! Roll on makeover week :) 

My husband has finally finished watching House and has binged watched Sense 8 and is now on Sons of Anarchy. I can't really get into it so my evenings are spent on the laptop blogging! 


I had a rare child free shopping trip this week so I managed to pick up a few bits. Normally clothes shopping is a bit stressful with a toddler, Elliot gets so bored so I have to either order online or just take my mum or sister to amuse him whilst I'm in the changing rooms! I was really impressed with New Look's Inspire (plus size) range. Usually they have a really small section and nothing to my taste but there was a lot more to offer this time and the Inspire section had doubled in size. 

I'm not very trendy and just wear whats comfy (that makes me sound old!) but I picked up a couple of pretty tops and a black cardy which I know will be really useful. I have a navy short sleeved cardy that I've had years and it goes with most things in my wardrobe, it has been worn to death so I thought it was about time I upgraded! 

Of course I couldn't go shopping and not buy Elliot something so I picked up yet another Minions tshirt in Asda. This one features the dinosaur from the Minions trailer and Elliot couldn't wait to wear it! 


One of my favourite songs at the moment is James Bay - Hold Back the River. I love how it starts off so quietly and then builds and builds. We've been singing it at choir too :)


Elliot and I made some Baker Ross Father's Day gifts today (review coming very soon!) but otherwise it's been a bit quiet on the crafts front. He's been nagging to get the Play Doh out again so guess what we'll be doing tomorrow! 

And Lastly...

Hubby is off to Butlins on a boys weekend tomorrow so it's just Elliot and I for the next few days. We have lots planned but the weather is looking pretty crappy so I really hope it stays dry at least. On Saturday we are going to Bristol for the Festival of Nature. Looks like a great day out for Elliot...and us going has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Andy from CBeebies is there doing dinosaur raps!!! Elliot is beside himself with excitement that we are seeing Andy again :)

photo credit - BBC



  1. Snap with the James Bay love this week :) That top is really pretty, will be great for the summer. You've also reminded me that I need to catch up with ANTM; it's one of my major guilty pleasures! Enjoy your weekend (lets hope the rain stays away!) #littleloves

  2. Some lovely tops there, New Look has it's moments doesn't it :p I love that song too, I've heard it loads but not been sure of what it's called so thanks for sharing that one! Hope you have a fun weekend at the festival xx

  3. I haven't seen Blinged Babies, it looks like the sort of thing that would get my back up! Hooray for a bit of adult shopping time, even though my kids are older it never gets easier trying to drag them around the shops! Have a fab time at the festival, you can't beat a dinosaur rap xx

  4. I like New Look Inspire too. They seem to have a nice selection of plus size clothes that dont make you feel like you're 80 and are still fashionable. I've got loads of those bubble hem tops - although the plain ones, I did see that patterened one though and was going to treat myself to it when I get paid. Hope you have a nice weekend x

  5. I love a bit of James Bay too, you just can't help singing along.
    Hope you had a good time at the Festival of Nature xx


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