Friday, 31 July 2015

A failed bus trip...

Getting the bus isn't something I have to do much these days - I can borrow my husband's car if he doesn't need it for work and my brilliant Dad is usually around if we need to get a lift anywhere. Occasionally though, we do have to jump on a bus and yesterday was one of these occasions...

Last week we moved house to a quieter part of town and the area is lovely and peaceful however the bus only runs on the hour. Yesterday after a particularly stressful morning trying to sort out our gas supply, I had to go to a specific shop to pick up a temporary card. The shop was by our old house and just a couple of miles away. A nice walk on a sunny day however a bit too far for a toddler to manage!

Due to the house move, the buggy was still buried under a stack of cardboard boxes so we decided to save little legs and jump on the bus and head up to the shop. The bus arrived on time and I asked for a single ticket - I almost fell off the bus in shock when the driver said it was £3.70!! That's probably cheap in some parts of the country but I'm used to paying just a couple of pounds to get from A to B and didn't think it was value for money considering there was only 3 bus stops along the journey!

I told the bus driver that it was extortionate and that actually, I'd rather walk. So I then had to do the walk of shame back off the bus whilst about 50 pairs of eyes looked on in amusement (typical, the bus was just full of tourists!) ...poor Elliot wondered what on earth was going on!

When did buses get so expensive for such a short journey? I thought the public transport companies were meant to be encouraging us to leave the car at home! 

Life with Baby Kicks


  1. Buses are expensive....I don't drive so have to do them. We usually get a family ticket and for a day out it costs us £20 before we even get to where we're going x

  2. Oooops! ha ha. I haven't been on a bus in a few years now but that is REALLY expensive! Yikes. I remember when it was about 90p (showing my age!!). Jess xx

  3. Wow that really is expensive! My local council just put kids fares up by 100% (council had a low cost card for kids) it s a disgrace how much these companies charge.

  4. We don't have any transportation system here in our small town besides a couple taxis to pick up the drunk people who are smart enough to call them. My husband and I were those people one time and it cost us $15 and he tried to take us some weird route which I quickly corrected him to the shortest distance. Mind you $15 is worth every penny when we got home safely and didn't risk a DUI. I do remember when I lived in Las Vegas that lots of people complained about the bus prices and they were always late and filthy. I am visiting you from #effitfridays from last week as I am a wee bit behind.


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