Sunday, 17 January 2016

Settling into our New Home - Elliot's Dinosaur Themed Bedroom

Regular readers of this blog will know that last year we had to move house twice, which was pretty stressful to say the least! We have now been in our current home for two months and we are finally starting to get settled. As it's rented we aren't able to change the decor much but I'm hoping over time we can put our own stamp on things.

We have three double bedrooms so Elliot's room is a really nice size and SO much bigger than his tiny room at our old flat. It's a good job it's big because he has alot of toys! For storage I use the large stacking drawers - he has three lots of these and it makes it alot easier to organise the toys. One set of drawers is just full of plastic dinosaurs!

He also has a large play table which has big drawers underneath to store his cars and bigger vehicles. The table was a real bargain at half price (should have been £120) from Argos and it's very sturdy and heavy. Elliot doesn't really use his cars on the table but has lots of figures such as Toy Story, Monsters Inc and Clangers that he likes to play with on there.

We decided to go with a dinosaur theme for his bedroom and I picked up some really great bits in Dunelm Mill such as the black out curtains and lightshade. They also have duvet covers and door stops which match so I will be popping back to get these soon! Obviously we can't change the wallpaper but I picked up a t-rex wall sticker from Amazon to go with the dinosaur theme. When it arrived it wasn't as big as I was expecting but he likes it! Elliot also got a 3D dinosaur head for Christmas that my Dad spent hours putting together. The t-rex looks like he is coming through the wall which is quite cool....unfortunately his bottom jaw keeps falling off so I need to get my Dad round to mend him!

Elliot is a big bookworm and has lots of books - he quickly outgrew his kids bookcase so I recently bought him a standard sized one, again from Argos. It fits in his room perfectly and I love how neat and tidy all his books look in there. Well neat and tidy until he gets them all out!! His original bookcase is still in his room but this just holds his dinosaur books now, of which he has a fair few.

Yes I tidied it especially...and no it definitely won't stay this tidy!!
When we moved in I was quite relieved to see nice big radiators in the bungalow and not storage heaters. We had those heaters in our very first house and it was freezing, it never seemed to warm up!. It means I can put Elliot's pjs on the radiator so they're nice and toasty for bedtime! (See Best Electric Radiators if you're in need of some heat in your life!)

Our next room to sort out is the office - currently the desks are covered with boxes of books that I need to unpack but I hope to bring you a blog post about it once we've made it look pretty!

*This is a collaborative post

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