Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Drumond Park's Og on the Bog Review & Giveaway

I don't know about your children, but Elliot loves toilet humour. He finds anything to do with bums and farting hilarious and if you tell him a poo joke you're his friend for life!

When we got offered a chance to try out Og on the Bog by Drumond Park I had a sneaking suspicion that it would be a hit in this household.....!

What Is It?! 

Og on the Bog is a game for 2-4 players and for children 5+ however Elliot is only 3 and enjoyed it too so I wouldn't let the age recommendation put you off.

The aim of the game is to steal 3 loo rolls from Og (based on 4 players, 2 and 3 players must collect 4) but you have to be careful as Og will hear you and you need to do it without him noticing!

The game is really easy to set up and the instructions are easy to follow, a definite plus point when playing with younger children who don't have a lot of patience ;) You will need 3 AA batteries and a screwdriver to open the battery compartment though.

How Do I Play?

Excuse the lunch debris scattered around!!

Each player starts with one loo roll. The first player spins the spinner and there are 3 outcomes:

- The red cross means you have made a noise and it is not safe to try and steal a loo roll. Therefore your turn is over and the next player spins
- The hand holding the loo roll means you can steal a loo roll from any of the other players!
- The green tick means you are good to go, you can now try and steal a loo roll from Og.

You first have to press down on Og's front step to see if he has heard you. If he says anything (like "What's going on out there!" or "Is that someone after my loo rolls?!") this means he has heard you and your turn is over.

If Og farts or grunts then this means he hasn't heard you and you can steal a loo roll. Be careful though as you need a steady hand!

If Og does a giant trump, his bog will explode and you have to put two of your toilet rolls back. Play resumes once his bog has been put upright again!

What Did We Think?

If you're offended by ogres and bodily functions then this might not be the game for you but kids will love it! Elliot was a little scared the first time Og's bog exploded though so bear this in mind if your little ones are a bit nervy. Although once he saw Og on the bog he found it hilarious and the scare was forgotten.

The rules are very straight forward and the games don't last too long. Og on the Bog is a bit different and is bound to appeal to all ages!

RRP - £22.99
For more info -


If you fancy winning Og on the Bog for yourself, please see below for the Rafflecopter details:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Monopoly, but liked them all really.

  2. The game of life!


  3. Paula Readings9 March 2016 at 20:55

    Ker plunk.

  4. I used to like Guess Who and later Connect4

  5. Payday I think it was called!

  6. Scrabble but my brother used to try and make up words and hope I was too young to realise!

  7. My favourite was a game called Mandarin!

  8. we loved playing Cluedo though we did play card games a lot for two pences!!

  9. Monopoly still love it now and play with the kids x

  10. Monopoly was always my fave

  11. I loved Mouse trap!

  12. Has to be monopoly x

  13. I remember playing ker-plunk with my dad as a child, still going too I bought it for my kids at christmas, bought back some great memories :)

  14. Snakes and ladders was my favourite childhood board game and we still enjoy it today.

  15. Mousetrap! I absolutely loved it, but never owned it so used to look forward to non-uniform days when someone would bring it in to school

  16. My fave game as a child and still is, Cluedo!

  17. Pop up pirate or buckaroo, I loved them both

  18. I loved Mousetrap, I remember having to wait ages each time while mum or dad set it up for me :)

  19. Frustration

  20. As I'm now a grandma,toys were very basic when I was child but I did like Monopoly and as i got older I would play Scrabble for hours with my dad,it was fun and I also learnt so much from him,if he put down a word I didn't know the meaning of he wouldn't tell me but make me go and look it up in the dictionary as he said I would remember it better and it was true x

  21. my favourite was frustration, i loved it

  22. holly harmsworth24 March 2016 at 17:08

    payday was my favourite game as a child. This game looks fun i'm sure my kids would love it :)

  23. Mine was The Game of Life :-)

  24. My favourite board game was Scrabble, it still is and we love playing Monopoly as a family game x

  25. Lynsey Buchanan24 March 2016 at 22:57


  26. My fave game was Screwball Scramble, I was addicted to it

  27. Hungry Hippos was one of my all time favourites x


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