Friday, 7 October 2016

Autumn Fashions with Elliot!

I've kind of been in denial that Summer is over and we've all been in our shorts and t-shirts up to very recently still! This week has been decidedly chiller though so I've been forced to retire the Summer clothes and dig out the jeans and jumpers. The only problem with that though is that Elliot seems to have had a massive growth spurt since Spring and all his trousers are now like ankle swingers!! He was still able to get away with aged 2-3 in shorts over the Summer but definitely not in trousers.

So this meant we needed to do some shopping! Fortunately there are some great things in the Supermarket ranges at the mo so we headed to Tesco where I found a sale on, woo! This is what Elliot picked:

Jeans - Tesco £5
Secret Life of Pets Tshirt - Tesco £3.50 (reduced from £7)
Cactus hoody Tesco £3 (reduced from £7)
Trainers - Brantano

I personally think the dog on the t-shirt is wearing a g string haha! But Elliot loves Secret Life of Pets so he really wanted this t-shirt and he's already worn it twice this week so its already a favourite!

I love the Cactus hoody, and I think the colour really suits him. The jeans were a bit too long but this was a better option than his previous ankle swingers! And least he'll get a couple of years wear out of them ;)

I also got Elliot a really nice Spiderman raincoat which was half price at £7. His current raincoat is getting really small (he's been wearing it for the last 2 years!) so definitely time for a new one. It's got a nice fleecy lining too which will keep him snug over the next few months when it's not quite cold enough for his winter coat.

Have you picked up any bargains in the sales recently? 

The Diary of an Ordinary Mum


  1. I am in denial that summer is over too! Great bargains you got there - I LOVE the cactus hoody and I can't believe it was only £3! xx
    #weekendtotstyle #funkykidfriday

  2. Oh that cactus hoody ROCKS! And I can't believe it was only £3!!!!

    Thanks for linking up to #FunkyKidFriday xxx

  3. Wow! Now theres some awesome bargains there, my little girl would love the tee whilst I am completely in love with the cactus hoody!! Thanks for sharing with #weekendtotstyle x


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